Sewing + Artistry = Sewistry
Jennifer Marks, Modern Quilter
How it started
My mom taught me to sew on a vintage 1950's Singer Slant-O-Matic, as her mother did for her. My mom sewed clothes, curtains, and dolls for me in my childhood...and she also built me a lot of furniture. She gifted me a sewing machine for high school graduation and a cordless drill when I moved into my first apartment - and, by extension, a DIY attitude before it was a hashtag!
In 2013, when my kids were preschoolers, I started a little crafty business making and selling a variety of useful things: messenger bags, reusable coffee sleeves and snack bags, tea towels, and more. I loved being able to flex my creative muscles a little and even more, I loved the creative community I became part of through local craft markets.
I always thought of quilting as something I’d explore when my kids were grown & flown, but I had some reservations about the idea of cutting dozens of little pieces of fabric, all the same size. In 2019-2020, however, all the pieces began to fall into place: I took a Whole Cloth Quilting workshop at a local craft store, I discovered the world of Improv Quilting through Sherri Lynn Wood, COVID eliminated pop-up markets for a long stretch, and a run of mask making left me with…a bin full of multicolored fabric triangles, all the same size. Well-played, Universe. Well-played.
How it’s going…
Quilting has become a calling for me, something I feel is part of my purpose. I now understand that I’ve always had a creative voice looking for expression, and this feels like the true path for it. Even better, I’ve found an incredible creative community again!
These days, my quilty time is spent…
creating original quilts for both utilitarian and purely aesthetic uses
designing and writing original quilt patterns
sharing my love for this art form via teaching & lecturing
creating whole-cloth quilt fabric designs for others to use
I live in Raleigh, NC with my husband, two teens (!!), dog, and two cats. I lived here during my elementary school years, moved to New England, and made my way back in college.
I have a PhD in Sociology from NC State University. My parents and husband are remarkably sanguine about the fact that I have not ostensibly leveraged said degree.
I teach Yoga, both locally in person and virtually via Zoom.